Announcements – January 2024
OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY TO DORIS ENGHAUSEN, whose daughter Linda passed away on January 11.
ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP WITH HOLY COMMUNION & IMPOSITION OF ASHES will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, February 14.
McCALLSBURG LIONS PANCAKE SUPPER will be held on Wednesday, February 14, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. A free will offering will be collected.
THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS: Eligible Thrivent members are reminded that you have until March 31, 2024, to direct 2023 Choice Dollars. To direct your Choice Dollars, go to & log in or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt.
PAILS THAT ARE PASSED AROUND DURING OFFERING are for donations of loose change to go to International Justice Mission in their fight to end human trafficking.
BRADEN THOMAS AND HIS WIFE LUPE have both been deployed to Europe. Please keep them, and all of our military, in your prayers.
IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER: Confirmation and Luther League are cancelled when school is cancelled. If Sunday worship is cancelled, we will send an announcement to our prayer chain and post on Facebook.
Nevada Food at First usually cancels when area schools are closed. If there is an early out, Nevada Food at First usually cancels. If school cancels first thing in the morning, Nevada Food at First makes a decision by 1:00 PM whether or not to cancel.
OUR DAILY BREAD FOR DECEMBER – FEBRUARY is available on the table in the narthex. Please help yourselves.
PORTALS OF PRAYER FOR JANUARY – MARCH are available on the table in the narthex. Please help yourself.
CONNECTIONS MAGAZINE FOR JANUARY/FEBRUARY is available on the table in the hallway. Please help yourself.
JANUARY MISSION COLLECTION: Throughout the month of January, we’ll continue to collect items for the Bridge Home in Ames. They need packaged food that does not need to be refrigerated and that can be heated in a microwave with no additional preparation required. Canned ready-to-eat soups and other foods that can be opened without a can opener. Also socks and underwear for men and women as well as personal care items. Also hand and foot warmers. Bring your donations to the church and place them on the table in the upper hallway. They will be distributed to those in need at the Bridge Home in Ames as well as in our local communities.
BLANKET COLLECTION: The Mission Committee is collected blankets (new, gently used, or homemade) to be distributed to homeless and needy individuals in our area. Please bring your donations to church during November.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR INDIVIDUALS WILLING TO LEARN TO RUN OUR SOUND/VIDEO SYSTEM. If God has gifted you with a skill for technology, please talk to Mark Thomas or Brad Becker to see how you can help. Brad has offered to teach a class to anyone interested in learning.
OUR CHURCH BUILDING WILL REQUIRE TUCKPOINTING in the near future and the Trustees are inviting everyone to contribute to a fund that will pay for this essential project. Simply mark your donation “Tuckpointing”—we appreciate whatever you can do.
SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY continues. Everyone is invited to join us at 8:00 am as we study Paul’s letters to Timothy.
SUNDAY NIGHT MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: All men of the congregation are invited to join in at 7:00 PM on Sunday evenings.
OUR DAYCARE IS HIRING. WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF MORE STAFF. We especially need part-time staff (able to work even a few hours a week) and people who would be able to fill in when regular staff is sick or otherwise unable to work. Please talk to Kelcie Breer if you are interested.