BETHANY LUTHERAN DAYCARE NEEDS: Extra large whiteboard, baby wipes, boys and girls clothing 2T up to 5, art supplies. Also people interested in either full-time or part-time positions, as well as those interested in serving as a substitute on an occasional basis.
DAYCARE FUNDRAISER: ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS GREENERY NOW: Order forms are available on the table in the narthex. Ordering deadline is November 14; items will be available to be picked up on Sunday, November 18.
DAYCARE ITEMS NEEDED: Dramatic play items, such as dress up costumes: doctors, nurses, firemen, construction workers, etc.
- Kitchen sets with play food and dishes
- Dolls with clothes and accessories
- Art supplies: construction paper, paint, scissors, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, markers, etc.
- Shelving to make learning centers
- Puzzles for all age groups
- Play sand and accessories
- More cots due to increasing enrollment
- Puppets (animal and people)
- Soft child size seating for library center
- Age appropriate manipulative items: pegboards, stacking blocks, shape sorters, etc.
- Donations can be brought to the church and placed in the tub at the top of the steps outside the church office.